Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Chapter 3 ~ Keon

Gavin has passed away but we will be seeing his ghost around the house. Keon didn't get a chance to hang out with him or to say goodbye but then again they weren't that close.

Dahlia Goodfellow called and asked Keon out on a date. Even though he has a girlfriend I went ahead and said yes hoping this would kick start some romantic wishes for someone. Keon has not been rolling any wishes towards his girlfriend since the day of the party.

The date didn't lead to anything and Dahlia ended up leaving after about an hour. So I sent Keon to the Grind for a drink. He was being a boring boy though and didn't really feel the dance club scene. He finished his drink and then headed home. 

Gavin and Loretta came out to roam around the house, eating and using the bathroom. 

Ethan called up Keon and asked if he wanted to hang out so Keon headed over to his parents house. His mom was talking to him about babies. I wonder if she was talking about her having more babies or asking if Keon was going to be giving her grandbabies. 

I swear his brother Damon could be Keon's twin instead of one of the quads. Just look at the resemblance between them. 
This is a close up of Keon

This is Damon

If I changed Damon's hair and eyebrows I bet I wouldn't be able to tell them apart! 
His sister Darcie is getting married to Waylon Wolff. Maybe the family will get some witch/were hybrids! I will have to keep my eye one their future kids. 

Keon has been promoted to Music Talent Scout, that is level 5 of the music career. 

After work Keon went to the local supernatural hangout and danced the night away with Olivia Goth. He must have tuckered himself out because he decided to sleep right outside the building. 

Keon was promoted again and became a Lyricist, he now does performances. To celebrate he went to the Grind again but he decided again that he wasn't feeling the scene and decided to sleep in the club until closing time....lol

Keon finally had a day off and it is pouring outside so he spent the day inside playing his guitar. 

An alien was outside the front door being a peeping tom....lol I don't want no alien heir so I was happy when they left with no abduction taking place. 

Jace was out roaming around and Keon decided he wanted to make a friendly introduction. So for the first time he got to meet his great-great-grandfather. 

Jace helped Keon out by feeding his chickens. 

I decided to give Keon the ice cream maker and deep fryer. Not only was Keon excited to have them but so was Jace and Merrick. All three of them obsessively made deep fried ice cream over and over. 

By morning this is what the counter looked liked...haha

Keon got a rare exotic egg from his chickens worth $1500. I thought I would put it out on the table to display it but it went bad :-/ So if you get an exotic egg, sell it!

I don't remember where Keon is in this picture but it just shows that he will sleep anywhere. 

Keon threw a pool party during the summer leisure day and he invited his girlfriend. The only wish that he rolled was to travel with her. This is a good thing because they have to live together in order to travel together. So Keon asked her to move in and she said yes. 

There first kiss living together and I am sure you can guess what else they got up to. Having her move in was the best thing ever because now his wishes are finally rolling in the right direction. There first day together was very typical with eating, cleaning, and lots of woohoo before they left for their vacation. 

Oh I almost forgot but look who was out roaming around last night, Loretta, Gavin, and Patches. I don't have Nona yet because she is still living but when she passes I will be grabbing her headstone too because her and Patches were very close. 

Both Keon and Felicity rolled to travel to Champ Les Sims France. 
They are so in-sync with one another. 
What follows is their lovely vacation..................

He was such a lush during their trip

Keon had a BIG surprise for Felicity and decided to take her to Stone Hedge. While they were there he proposed to her. What a romantic man she has there. 

When they returned home they both received the Eternally Faithful moodlet. 

No reason to wait for marriage so they had a private wedding. 

We all know what this means.....the next heir is on the way.