Monday, October 17, 2011

Chapter 6

By Jace:

Merrick has had his birthday, he has my hair and his mother's eyes. He is such a handsome boy, I can see trouble brewing when he is a teen.

It is amazing being a dad and seeing my little boy doing things on his own. When I walked in his room and saw him picking his nose I just about fell over laughing. I sat on the floor of his room and just watched him to see what he would do next. I think his favorite thing to do is chew on the dolls when he plays with the doll house. 

Sita has really been trying to snap herself out of this funk she is in. She has been spending more time with Merrick and even taught him how to walk straight away. I can tell he loves spending time with her just by the look on his face when she is playing with him. 

She still hasn't changed out of her pajamas, even when she showers she puts her pj's right back on. When she decided to take Merrick for a walk in the stroller she still didn't bother to change her clothes. 

When they got back from their walk I went out and grabbed Merrick. The neighbors were staring and Sita had a look on her face that said she just realized that she walked around our neighborhood in her undies. I hope that will shock her out of this funk.

By Sita:

I can not believe that I just took my little boy for a walk in my undies. What was I thinking! Jace is right I have not been myself lately. That sad thing is I don't even know what is wrong with me. Jace has really been great picking up the slack and doing damage control. Him and Merrick have gotten really close since half the time I couldn't be bothered to get out from in front of the t.v. 

I can tell that Merrick has been wanting more of my attention and my relationship with Jace has been strained as well. It's time I start acting like myself again. First thing first.....go give my little man a kiss and feed him before bed. Then it is time for me to apologize to Jace and make it up to him. 

Now I feel more like me again and being dressed feels so good. Jace and I have made up many times in the last few weeks. I think he has forgiven me. 

Merrick has been getting so big. Jace taught him how to talk and we both worked on potty training him. He loves to play with his toys but I think the thing he likes the best is to listen to his daddy play the guitar. Jace even plays for him while he is eating. 

With Merrick's birthday just around the corner I have been planning a surprise party. While sitting on the couch going over the guest list I started feeling very nauseated and had to go throw up. Oh boy I think all that making up has ended up with me pregnant again. 

Well it is confirmed I am pregnant! I feel very excited and happy, I am ready for another baby. I just hope me hormones don't get out of whack and I don't go crazy after this one is born. 

This time around I am nervous to tell Jace for a different reason. I don't want him to worry the same thing will happen to me again. Well I can't hide it from him so here goes nothing. 

Just as last time, I had nothing to worry about. He is very excited to be having another baby. We both want to have a girl this time. It will be like the perfect little family! 

I sat and talked with Merrick about him being a big brother soon but I think he is still to little to understand. He just gave me a blank stare that said none of it was getting through. 

Wow.....we have a lot going on right now. Baby #2 is on the way and Merrick's birthday is in one week! So many changes coming and so little time to prepare. 


  1. OMG Merrick is such a gorgeous toddler! I find toddlers all tend to look the same but Merrick looks very unique, his features are quite defined - so cool!

    Sita going for a walk in her undies that's just priceless. I love the way you wrote these past couple of chapters, it makes it seem really realistic.

  2. Thank you Courtney! I also think Merrick is just the cutest thing ever but wait until you see his sibling.

    When Sita took Merrick for a walk and didn't bother changing I was cracking up. Usually sims don't leave the house in their undies unless they are insane, I think.

  3. I can't wait to see the new baby! And I have to agree, that pick of Sita walking in her undies is hilarious!

  4. That was an adorable chapter! I loved her in her undies all the time, and i can't wait to see the girl now that Merrick's all grown up. He's a beautiful little boy:)

  5. I am glad she is back to her old self again and another baby on the way - Merrick is too cute those eyes are gourgeous!!!
