Friday, February 22, 2013

Chapter 6

We are going to start with some pictures of cute little Hannah practicing her hunting skill with a toy mouse.

I think she is wishing it was Too Cute!

Ethan decided to through a Feast party and invite over his family. The house was so full I had to add an extra table and chairs to make room for them all. It was a bit chaotic and they still couldn't figure out a place to sit. It was so funny to watch them all complain about not having enough room. 

The honeymoon woohoo lead to Lola being pregnant again. I hope this made them happy because this is the last baby the two of them are going to have while I am in control. 

Yup, Ethan is very happy to have baby number two on the way. 

Look who had his birthday! Little Keon is such a cutie pie and really he looks just like his mother. 

Even though Keon was old enough to partake in Spooky day he decided to stay home and play. I would have rather of gone trick or treating for candy but he had fun presiding over his royal court. 

Ethan suddenly started running outside so I followed him and he was tracking down a kid to give him candy. Haha, I guess he didn't want the kid pulling any tricks on the house. He found him in the backyard and sent him happily on his way with a bucket full of yummies. 

Oh Hannah, Lola loves you so much. Smoochie time!

Lola wanted to caste a good luck charm on Ethan and I figured he wouldn't mind. I mean who would mind a boost to their luck. The spell was successful!

Look at the cute little baby bump! 

In this picture do you all think it looks a little large for just one baby? 

After Lola cast the spell on Ethan he rolled a wish I haven't seen before: Become a Witch!! I was so excited I think I started bouncing in my chair, haha. So I sent him to Aleister's Elixers & Sundries to see if they had a potion that would help make his wish come true. 

Luck really was on Ethan's side because they did in fact have a potion for him. He bought it straight away and wasted no time in using it. He threw it on himself right outside the front door to the shop. 

Who needs a car when your a witch with a broom, not Ethan.

You could tell he was excited to be a witch. He played with magick in the laundry room, conjured a few apples and even created his first potion; Vial of Bliss. 

Sweet Success!!

Now of course enough time has passed that Lola has given birth. This is when I got the shock of my life. While Lola was pregnant is when I saved the whole family to the library and had to restart them in a new file because of crashing issues. Well not only did Ethan get the boy he wished for but also the girl, oh and times them by two! 

Yes, that makes quadruplets!! I didn't even know it was possible to have four babies at one time in this game. When the thing kept popping up for me to name the babies I think I had a mini stroke. Before you even ask the answer is no I didn't use the fertility treatment on them.  

Okay so here they are in order of birth:
Derrick- loves the heat, loves the outdoors
Daisy- athletic, perceptive
Darcie- neurotic, loves the heat
Damon- loves the cold, athletic

I randomized the babies traits based on what number baby they were. So Derrick got two rolls since he is kid two and Daisy got three rolls and so on.

Of course with four babies to look after I am sure you can imagine that things are not going to be that awesome in their house for awhile. Exhaustion hasn't set in yet but boy is it about to.

Here is Ethan loving on one of the girls but I don't know which one.

Lola changing on of the boys, again not sure which one. 

Both of them are tired at this point because all the babies get hungry and need changing at the same time. So by the time they get done with one there is already another one that needs attention. It really has been an endless cycle of crying babies. On the bright side, Ethan and Lola are wonderful parents. 

But I think Ethan is feeling a little overwhelmed at the moment.

I am going to leave you with Ethan's shocked daddy

Hope you all enjoyed!


  1. Four babies is hectic and hard to tell who is who. That is shocking since there was no fertility treatment. But he did get all the babies he could handle. I've seen a similar wish to the become a witch but it's become a imaginary friend.

  2. I had no clue it was even possible to have that many, I thought three was the most. I'd say they got more than they could and the crazies wished to have another baby together the next day! I just ignored that wish because there is no way I could handle more.

    I had never seen the wish to become.....because I never played a mixed house before I guess but I was pleasantly surprised by that one.

  3. OMG!!! FOUR BABIES!!! Now they have their hands full - lmao - you jinked that by saying the second baby was all they were getting while you were in control - hehe - I think they took matters into their own hands!!

    I experienced the quadrulets myself for the first time not long back and I honestly thought I was going mental - I dont want that to happen again in a hurry and i wasnt playing wishacy - lol I bet you are pulling your hair out.

    I really cant wait to see how they all turn out.

  4. Wow! I had NO idea there could be quads! Man, I'm going to have to be careful. I don't like using the fertility treatment. It's hard enough to handle 1 baby much less 2, 3 or 4. :) Toddlers are even worse since you have skills to work on. Awesome story, though!
